
FMTC Tech Corner: Rakuten API

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FMTC Tech Corner: Rakuten API


Rakuten is one of the many data sources integrated into the FMTC platform. The integration process has brought our team face-to-face with the API set up from Rakuten. Below are some of the many APIs that we gather from Rakuten and make available in the FMTC API so our publishers can pull one clean API for all the networks they work with.


API – getTextLinks


This request provides text links used by merchants. Each merchant will have its own set of categories. This information can be used to filter the feeds to obtain links from any category you want.


API – getMerchByAppStatus – Legacy and Link Locator


This endpoint is in the legacy as well as “Link Locator,” the newer version of the API. The main difference between these versions is the way authentication occurs. The legacy version uses a token system while the Link Locator uses a newer OATH2 version of authentication. The token for Link Locator still needs to be generated like it was in the legacy version, even if it is not being used, on top of using the OATH2 method of authentication. As with any new version of an endpoint, the fields have slight differences as the needs of the endpoint have changed over time. While the legacy API is still fine to use, it always helps to upgrade to the newest version as soon as possible to keep up with the latest technologies.




The merchant information request gives details about various merchants. It can be used to both create and update a database table of merchants. This method allows you to download merchant information by specifying the application status ID. The following values are used for application status requests:

  • approved
  • approval extended
  • wait
  • temp removed
  • temp rejected
  • perm removed
  • perm rejected
  • self removed


Link Locator


The information from this endpoint remains the same but is accessed and processed in a different way. This is the preferred method moving forward that Rakuten wants its users to utilize.


FMTC saves you from the headache of updating integrations


As always with changing technology, updates and upgrades can take up time that can be otherwise be used for your business, like promoting deals. If you are working with FMTC, however, you won’t have to worry about it; FMTC will step in and handle the update for you.

Working through each of the APIs comes with challenges. For example, one of the issues that came across FMTC’s radar is the ability to receive exclusive deals assigned by the merchants through any of these endpoints.

Technology changes quickly to keep up with the needs of the business. FMTC is here to help you through those problems. This is the work that goes into Rakuten, one of the 23 data sources that are integrated into FMTC. Fortunately, you subscribe to FMTC, so you know that we are doing all the heavy lifting for you.

We are taking data from this and other data sources to ensure you are receiving it as efficiently as possible. With FMTC, you can focus on publishing, not on countless integrations. You can read our full documentation of the FMTC endpoints here.


– Josh Hutter