
Research affiliate programs and agencies, all in one place. The best affiliate directory there is.

Go Freemium
$0/mo. Includes…
  • Program Directory: Find the perfect affiliate programs to join.
  • Browser Extension: Research affiliate programs, right on a merchant's website.
  • Agency Directory: Research affiliate management agencies.


Get all the deals through the FMTC interface. Priced to fit any budget.

Go Solo
Starts at $49/mo. Everything in Freemium, plus…
  • DealBank: Find more deals. Search from over 105,000 merchant deals.
  • MerchantSync: Verify your status with a merchant program.
  • Grab any affiliate link with ease.
  • Easily create deep links wherever possible.
  • FreshReach®: Get monetized links for programs you haven’t joined yet


Access FMTC’s API, the most powerful in the space. Priced à la carte, to fit your needs.

Go Scale
Starts at $195/mo. Everything in Solo, plus…
  • Unlimited API Access to MerchantSync
  • API Access to FMTC’s Deal Feed and Product Feed, priced à la carte.
  • FreshReach® consolidated reporting
  • Dedicated Account Manager


Enterprise API access for industry-leading publishers. Best value

Go Enterprise
Starts at $1,895/mo. Everything in Scale, plus…
  • Full API Access to FMTC’s Deal Feed or Product Feed
  • 1,000+ merchants included. Up to 19,232 current merchants.
  • 10+ users included
  • 2+ geographies included (up to 4 geographics)

Feature Comparison

Always at $0 Monthly
Starting at $49 Monthly
Starting at $195 Monthly
Starting at $1,895 Monthly
Program Directory (Basic)
Agency Directory
Browser Extension
Program Directory (Premium)
FreshReach® Monetization
Category Offers
Offers with Coupon Codes
Offers with Free Shipping
Product Deals
Offers are Normalized & Standardized
Local Deals
Deal Categorization
FMTC Deal Ranking
Request New Merchants
Merchant Logos
Merchant Screenshots
Dedicated Account Rep
Add Exclusive Offers
Deal Metadata (alpha)
Users Included 1 1 2 5+
Merchant Allowance (Web Interface) N/A Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Merchant Allowance (API) N/A N/A Pay Per 1,000 – Unlimited
FreshReach® Consolidated Reporting N/A $100 Included Included
MerchantSync API Module N/A N/A Included Included
Deal Feed API Module N/A N/A $95 Included
Product Feed API Module N/A N/A $95 Included
Cost per Merchant (Deal Feed) N/A N/A $3.50 Included
Cost per Merchant (Product Feed) N/A N/A $2.68 Included
Included Geography N/A N/A 0 Starting at Any 2
Additional Geography N/A N/A $95 $95


Custom Content Contact Sales Contact Sales Contact Sales Contact Sales
ASIN Matching Contact Sales Contact Sales Contact Sales Contact Sales
B-Y-O Sub-Affiliate Relationship N/A $795 $795/mo $795/mo

Have questions?

How do I determine which subscription is best for me?
Why is your service priced more than competing services?
How are you different from your competitors?
How do I make money from the coupons and deals you provide?
What do you do that I can’t do myself?

What people are saying