
Press Release: FMTC Releases Automated Deal Plugin for WordPress Just in Time for Black Friday and Cyber Monday

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Provider makes over 100,000 monetized deals available to bloggers, affiliates and publishers through a WordPress plugin.

FMTC, an affiliate marketing datafeed and content tool provider, announced the release of a new WordPress plugin and tool called “Pods”. The release comes just in time for bloggers, affiliates and publishers to create monetized deal pages, sections and sidebars for the upcoming holiday shopping season.

Pods are blocks of content that publishers can place on their pages, posts and widgets. The blocks are automatically kept up to date with the latest deals from the merchants/stores, categories and keywords that the user chooses.

The deals available to publish with Pods are sourced through the affiliate marketing channel. So, those who implement the Pods on their sites will not only offer visitors valuable content, but can also earn commissions when visitors click-through and purchase using the deals they found.

“Pods give a typical WordPress user the ability to implement fully-automated blocks of content without having to understand datafeeds or employ any type of programming,” said Eric Nagel, the company’s CTO. “With our plugin, users can add a Pod to their site with a click of a button. Once the Pod is in place, we keep it up to date with the latest offers.”

The content for the Pods is chosen inside the FMTC dashboard with a user-friendly tool. Users indicate what they’d like to include in the Pod, and the system handles the coding.

Pods can be built by:

  • Merchant/store. For example, an affiliate may choose to build a page for each of their favorite online stores and place a Pod on each page showing the latest deals at the stores.
  • Category. A fashion publisher might build a set of pages that list deals on categories of apparel like women’s shoes, men’s clothes, kid’s clothes.
  • Keyword. A blogger focusing on recipes could build a Pod for “mixers” and insert it into a post about baking for the holidays.

“This tool has been in beta for months now, and we’re thrilled to officially launch it leading into the holiday shopping season,” said Rachel Honoway, the company’s CEO. “Bloggers and affiliates can build their Pods now, and come Black Friday, Cyber Monday and the weeks to follow, all of their deals will be updating automatically. Anyone who has tried to manually keep up with the amount of deals and the amount of updates in Q4 will be amazed at how easy our plugin makes the whole process. It really is ‘set and forget it’.”

The company offers a free account that provides the ability to try 1 Pod at no cost and access to The Deal Bank (a searchable directory of deals that can be copied and pasted). Subscriptions, starting at $25/month, are available for those wanting to build more than one Pod.

Bloggers, affiliates and publishers can singup for a free account and build their first Pod at: http://www.fmtc.co/tools/pods/

About FMTC

Since 2007, FMTC has been providing affiliates a convenient solution for managing offers, deals, links and other content from thousands of merchant programs across affiliate networks. FMTC’s inventory includes over 130,000 pieces of content from over 8,000 merchant programs in the US, Canada, the UK and Australia.

Contact Details

Rachel Honoway
[email protected]