
PMA Post: Adapting To Remote Work

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You may be facing new challenges as many of us now work from home. Even if you are used to remote work, it can be a whole new experience when you’re trying to work while your kids and spouses are home as well. Not to mention the new responsibilities many parents now have of homeschooling.

The Performance Marketing Association works with many companies that are 100% remote and can help shed some light on our current situation. The PMA’s Coupons & Deals Council put together a quick post that has helpful articles gathered from Industry Champions and PMA members about Remote Work and COVID-19. They also included personal tips from their council members. You can read the full post here but below are links to the articles they include.

  • Partnerize – Not so much remote work, but posts on adapting to a post-Covid business world with key trends –

Do you have any tips on working from home or navigating these challenging times? If so, comment below!