
Non-Traditional Employee Benefits at FMTC

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Working at FMTC has plenty of traditional benefits, such as 401(k), health insurance, and paid time off for salaried employees. But we also have many non-traditional benefits, too:

Work from home

The obvious one is: no office! While we’re based in Austin, TX we have 0 employees there. Our entire company is remote, working from our own homes, school, coffee shops, or wherever we can get a good WiFi signal. Of course, working from home can be both awesome and horrible, but the awesomeness outweighs the horribleness. One of my favorite things to do in the morning and at the end of the day is to listen to the traffic report, and being thankful that I’m not stuck in it. Alicia, our Operations Coordinator, was commuting through the Buffalo snow last year and now works for us from her home:

Quote from Alicia here.

On the other hand, when days like ‘bike to work day’ come along, we don’t get to participate. But every day can be ‘bring your dog to work day’

Working hard pup

Peer-to-Peer Bonuses

In 2015, FMTC added to the growing list of systems that we use. With Bonusly, employees get a monthly allowance, which they can give to other employees as a bonus. Employees can then redeem points for things such as movie tickets, gift cards to, Hulu, Starbucks and more or they can convert their points into charitable donations.

FMTC's Bonusly graph

FMTC Service

Any FMTC employee gets to use our feed or any of our tools free of charge.