
New Affiliates by Marketing Vertical Feature From Publisher Discovery

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Publisher Discovery has just announced a brand-new platform feature. Users can now search and analyze websites based on a specific vertical they have chosen. The list includes 80 verticals, making it easy to narrow down exactly what you are looking for.


According to Publisher Discovery, “Each of the two million websites has a weighting applied for each vertical, using advanced AI and machine learning techniques and based on the content and the affiliate programmes they connect to. Each is also allocated a Traffic Score to assess the usefulness of each site for your campaign.” (Read more.)


What does it look like?


Here’s an example from PublisherDiscovery on filtering users by the “Wedding” vertical:



More about Publisher Discovery


Not familiar with Publisher Discovery yet? Here are some of the basics:


Find your best affiliates


Publisher Discovery allows users to easily search over 2,000,000 affiliates promoting 330,000 advertisers. Find out which affiliates are promoting a certain domain, prioritize based on traffic and relevance scores, run a GAP analysis against your own domain, and use the provided contact information to reach out directly to affiliates. 


Learn more about Publisher Discovery here.


Integrated with your FMTC dashboard


FMTC recently announced an integration with Publisher Discovery, making it even easier to find publishers. Once you’re signed up, FMTC will enable Publisher Discovery within your account. Simply select “Publisher Discovery” from the menu and access the tool straight from your FMTC dashboard. 


Learn more about Publisher Discovery


For more information about FMTC and Publisher Discovery, please visit https://www.fmtc.co/publisher-discovery or contact [email protected]