
Newest PMA Release – Coupons from a Consumer Perspective

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The PMA’s Coupons and Deals Council recently released a new whitepaper that dives into the use of coupons from a consumer’s perspective. It includes the history of coupons, merchant strategies for using coupons, best practices, why coupons are valuable, and why consumers are drawn to online coupons.

Here are the key takeaways:

  1. Metrics prove that consumers not only love coupons in an online setting but also rely on their usage in most transactions.
  2. Consumers embrace coupons in almost any content but the easier and more seamless the experience, the better.
  3. There is literally no demographic for online coupon usage – they are ubiquitous.
  4. Merchants can use consumer behavior to create a better coupon experience.
  5. Digital coupons are incremental.

This new whitepaper is now available for anyone to download. Non-members can download the full survey report through our Whitepapers and Guides page. PMA members can log in to their accounts to download or visit the Documents and Downloads Channel in Slack.

Read the full PMA post here!


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