
How to Get Monetized Links for Publisher Toolkit Users

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How to Get Monetized Links for Publisher Toolkit Users: Quickstart Guide


We’re really proud of our publisher tools, but we know many bloggers and website owners haven’t yet taken advantage of these tools. This post will go over best practices for using Deal Bank and explain how you can use it to save time and make more money.


What is the Deal Bank?


FMTC’s Deal Bank is a powerful search tool providing users with current deals from over 12,000 online merchants. Once you find an offer to share with your audience, simply copy and paste the provided link into your post.

The link will direct your visitors to the proper page, and if they make a purchase, you’ll receive the full commission offered by that merchant. Taking advantage of Deal Bank saves you time reading emails every day or logging into a couple of dozen affiliate networks and searching there.


Create a Publisher Toolkit Account


Your first step is to create a Publisher Toolkit account, which you can do by visiting our Merchant Hub.


Log In via the Merchant Hub


Login to your FMTC account with the details you’ll receive in your welcome email. (“Login” is at the top right of every page)


Enter Skimlinks ID


When you login, you’ll be directed to your FMTC home page. If you have a free Deal Bank account, you’ll want to input your Skimlinks ID.


How to Enter Your Skimlinks ID


Click on the Skimlinks tab on the main menu on the left:



Enter your Skimlinks Site ID on the page. Don’t have a Skimlinks account? Use the link at the top of the page to apply for your account. Be sure to tell them you’re working with FMTC.


Why This Step is Important


Once you enter a Skimlinks ID, all of your links will be monetized through Skimlinks. This means when your readers click on the links you share and buy from the stores, you’ll earn commissions. Skimlinks will track the sales and commissions and send you your check.

Note: There’s no need to install the Skimlinks tools, just enter your ID in FMTC.


Search 150,000+ Deals


Featured Deals


After you connect your Skimlinks account and/or merchant IDs, click “home”. There, you will find featured merchants and curated deals. With approximately 150,000 offers to choose from, it’s a good idea to always check out the featured deals.



Browse Deals


To find more deals, click on the “Browse Deals” tab on the main menu on the left. There, you can search by merchant/store, keyword, deal type or category.

Click in the merchant box to select one or more merchants/stores:




You can choose multiple merchants, or none at all.

If you choose “none”, refine your search by using a keyword. For example, enter “shoes” in the Search box, or by choosing from the Advanced Options.


Advanced Search Options


Below the initial search fields, you can click the “show advanced search options” to further define what you’re looking for. You can enter various search parameters, which will help you to narrow your selection to the most relevant deals for your readers. You can search by merchant, keyword, or country. You can leave any of these fields blank, or you can choose to use multiple filters.


The advanced fields allow you to narrow your search to categories and sub-categories (i.e. apparel, electronics, financial products), search within individual affiliate networks, or deal type (i.e. BOGO, free shipping, new customer discount, percentage off). Once you nail down your search parameters, click “submit”.


Refine your search until your results give you an appealing set of deals to browse through:



When you find a deal you like, click the down arrow in the Details column for your sharing options.





Evaluate your results. Each result will indicate the dates that the deal is available, as well as any coupon code required. Once you find a deal you would like to promote, click the arrow in the “Details” column. This will expand the offer, revealing the monetized link you can use.


Share Deals


Once you click the down arrow, you’ll see your link and sharing options.

To share, simply copy the link and paste it into your blog post, social media page or anywhere else you’d like. We’ve built in a few tools to help you quickly and easily share working, commission-earning links.

More Link Options


If you don’t like the idea of using the Auto Link, feel free to hit the “More link options” link. This will give you additional ways to link to the deal:



With a free account, you’ll see the network that the store is part of, but you won’t get the affiliate link. That is available, however, in the Premium subscription.

You’ll also have the Skimlinks URL. This is what the Auto Link is using, but if you’re more comfortable just using the Skimlinks URL, it’s there for you.

Copy the link, then paste it into your post, share it via social media, or anywhere else you want to promote that offer. When someone clicks the link to take advantage of the amazing deal you’ve shared, you will receive a commission!


“Star” Your Favorite Stores


You’ll find loads of deals from loads of stores when you’re doing your searches. But we know you’ll find a few stores that are your favorites. So, when you find a store you like, click the little star icon next to the name. 

After that, your favorite stores will appear at the top of your search results. Plus, when you come to the Browse Deals page, they’ll be the first deals listed.


Happy Sharing!


That’s it! As you can see, saving time and making money with Deal Bank is pretty easy. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the comments. If you’ve already used Deal Bank, let us know how it’s going.