
FMTC New Merchants include 7th Avenue, Duracell, Geckobrands, OUAI, & Tchibo

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FMTC features monetized offers from more than 19,000 merchant affiliate programs. This week we added 50 new FMTC merchants, including 7th Avenue, Duracell, Geckobrands, OUAI, and Tchibo. All the new merchants, affiliate program signup links, and their associated networks are listed below.

For a complete list of all merchant programs, please see our public-facing Directory. Current FMTC users can add new stores easily via signup links or the Manage Merchants page. (Clicking the link will allow you to see all unselected merchants that are currently available to add to your account.)

FMTC IDMerchant NameNetworkPrimary CategoryJoin
626367th AvenueImpact (#19563)FurnitureSignup
62643Adnia SolutionsAwin (#55275)SoftwareSignup
62658AiperImpact (#19974)ElectronicsSignup
62650Alpha Dog NutritionShareASale (#140959)Pet SuppliesSignup
62666ArrowheadAvantLink (#26781)ApparelSignup
62639babelioShareASale (#137134)Babies & KidsSignup
62629BestpressoCJ Affiliate (#6084796)Food & GourmetSignup
62641Biscuit TinAwin (#53671)FinancialSignup
62644BoieAwin (#21465)Beauty & CosmeticsSignup
62630City Beach USRakuten Advertising (#50526)ApparelSignup
62628Cough ShieldCJ Affiliate (#6496228)Health & BeautySignup
62653Couple Gift CustomShareASale (#143849)Photo & Personalized GiftsSignup
62667Cupped WaterfowlAvantLink (#27073)Sporting GoodsSignup
62634CurrexRakuten Advertising (#50525)ShoesSignup
62659Derma Solutions CareShareASale (#136567)Beauty & CosmeticsSignup
62654Drunk ElephantAscend (Pepperjam) (#10029)Beauty & CosmeticsSignup
62673DuracellImpact (#19329)BatteriesSignup
62651EdifierShareASale (#142781)ElectronicsSignup
62640Freespirit RecreationAvantLink (#25053)AutomotiveSignup
62652Frozen GardenShareASale (#143690)Diet & FitnessSignup
62670Galleria ArmadoroRakuten Advertising (#50587)JewelrySignup
62631GeckobrandsAvantLink (#27317)ApparelSignup
62671Graham & Brown USRakuten Advertising (#50369)Home ImprovementSignup
62646Jessica SimpsonShareASale (#107976)Apparel – WomenSignup
62660KATIA USAwin (#38316)Craft SuppliesSignup
62638LITNXTShareASale (#143618)Video GamesSignup
62662Lolly hairShareASale (#139750)Beauty & CosmeticsSignup
62635LovepopImpact (#19910)Gifts & FlowersSignup
62665MixolosheImpact (#18503)Food & GourmetSignup
62663Momentous LivingCommission Factory (#62445)House & HomeSignup
62642MurmurAwin (#46729)Bed & BathSignup
62645MyFlowersAwin (#48471)Gifts & FlowersSignup
62632NecessaireRakuten Advertising (#44052)Beauty & CosmeticsSignup
62661OUAIRakuten Advertising (#47554)House & HomeSignup
62669Pearson EducationRakuten Advertising (#46987)Books & MagazinesSignup
62676Power Tools DirectAwin (#50133)Tools & HardwareSignup
62675Rachel ComeyRakuten Advertising (#50536)ApparelSignup
62649Relieve & RelaxImpact (#19498)Health & BeautySignup
62656Senior Subway Social NetworkAvantLink (#26953)Event TicketsSignup
62674SettleinImpact (#19902)FurnitureSignup
62672ShopFlysImpact (#19973)Sporting GoodsSignup
62677SohamoShareASale (#143561)Sporting GoodsSignup
62647Statik UKAwin (#56993)ElectronicsSignup
62637TcheImpact (#18444)Food & GourmetSignup
62655TchiboAvantLink (#27549)Food & GourmetSignup
62648TeamViewerCJ Affiliate (#6512958)SoftwareSignup
62668UnderstatementCJ Affiliate (#5951251)Apparel – IntimateSignup
62657UtsourceImpact (#19972)ElectronicsSignup
62664Value LightsRakuten Advertising (#50339)LightingSignup
62633ZazlaShareASale (#143593)House & HomeSignup

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