
FMTC Featured Merchant: Life is Good

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In 1994, after five years of less-than-stellar sales and just $78 left to their names, brothers Bert and John Jacobs designed their first Life is Good t-shirt—and discovered how those three simple words could help people to focus on the good.

Why Life is Good?

From the start, we received letters and emails from customers who found strength, simple wisdom, or a much-needed laugh in Life is Good. Today, we celebrate this ever-growing community of optimists and all the ordinary, extraordinary things they love.

Affiliate program details 

6% commission
Conversion rate of over 4%
$75.00 Average order Size
30 day cookie period
Advertising and promotional support in the form of banners and text links
Product feeds available
Promotional coupon codes
Ship to the USA and Canada



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Our Mission

To spread the power of optimism.


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