
Affiliate Roundup: Recovering Revenue, Retargeted Ads, and More

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This week in FMTC’s Affiliate Roundup: We’re looking at how affiliates and advertisers can recover lost revenue due to tech hurdles. Read about these topics and more below!

Best Practices, Explainers and Predictions

Hey Influencers and Creators – You’re losing 50% of the revenue you’re owed!

Button CEO Michael Jaconi on how affiliates can address missed revenue.

Source: Button

How Affiliates Address Google’s Product Review Updates

Be proactive with reviews, so you don’t get penalized in search.

Source: Practical Ecommerce

Affiliate Adjacent

Actually, Ecommerce Excelled in 2022

A wrap-up of Q4 2022 shows strong numbers for US e-commerce.

Source: Practical Ecommerce

Blockthrough, Publisher Collective Partner To Recover Revenue Lost To Ad Blocking

Getting ads back in front of video and computer gamers.

Source: MediaPost

Sam’s Club adds retargeted ads to retail media network

Sam’s Club beefs up its retail media offerings.

Source: Marketing Dive

Subterranean Context: Shoppers Prefer Ads Related To Content, Study Shows

“Content is king,” even with ads.

Source: MediaPost

The cost of shipping is the biggest concern for customers and retailers, according to a new report

Why you might consider offering free shipping to your customers.

Source: Digital Commerce 360

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