
Affiliate Marketing Industry News Roundup 12-08-2020

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Affiliate Marketing News RoundupAffiliate Marketing News 12-08-20

The text that accompanies each article is a summary or a quote from the respective article. As always, if you have an affiliate marketing news story that you’d like us to share, there is a submission link at the bottom of this post. 

Affiliate Marketing 101: Video Course for Beginners (Affiliates)

Learn to make sense of affiliate marketing: in simple terms, and in plain language.

Source: AM Navigator


Cyber Week Benchmarks Show Revenue From Partnerships Grew Despite COVID-19

Impact takes a look at key metrics for Black Friday and Cyber Monday to find out how things shook out.

Source: Impact

4 Affiliate Myths Debunked: How to Sell Your Boss on the Channel

There are some preconceived notions about this category and your boss may have bought into them. Here’s the evidence you need to debunk the myths and misconceptions.

Source: Pepperjam

Affiliate Marketing: Expectations vs. Reality

The steps you need to to become a successful affiliate marketer.

Source: Powerhouse Affiliates

Cyber Week North American Barometer

Trends and insights form during Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and beyond. 

Source: ShareASale

International Performance Marketing Awards: 2020 Winners

Check out the big winners in a variety of categories.

Source: PerformanceIN

8 Steps to Crafting Effective Landing Pages

Tips for making a potential customer take action and become a paying customer.

Source: MarTech

The Focus Of Google’s Core Algorithm Update

The total impact will be seen during the next one to two weeks. Find out what the update means for you.

Source: MediaPost