
Recap of Data Processed in October

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Recap of Data Processed in October


October always kicks off Q4 with an abundance of data to process. New deals and coupons for the holidays and more merchants to integrate keeps our data processing team more productive than ever. We’ve processed even more deals than before, and integrated hundreds of new merchants for you to choose from. If you haven’t checked out our deal bank in awhile, be sure to check out the new updates. You can also select new merchants to make sure your audience has easy access to the most exciting new deals and coupons.


Total Incoming Deals


We had over 56,000 total incoming deals in October of this year. This is an impressive 21.9% lift from the same month in 2018, thanks to our new merchants being integrated:


Average Daily Incoming Deals


The average daily incoming deals increased almost exactly the same as the total incoming deals with just under a 30% lift:

Total Deals Processed


Our team has filtered through, cleaned, categorized and hand-processed 3.3% more deals this year in October than last year:

New Merchants Added


New merchants mean more deals for our team to process. The more deals our team processes, the more deals our subscribers have available to them. We’re pleased to see a 48% increase in our merchants added this month:


How This Benefits You


As mentioned previously, the most exciting part of processing more deals and adding more merchants is the increase in value. This means you, our subscribers, can access an ever-increasing database of over 12,000 merchants with an average of 150,000+ deals every day. Additionally, our support staff stands by to assist you with any questions or issues you encounter. If you have any suggestions or questions, just email [email protected] and we’ll get in touch with you as quickly as possible.