
getLogos: A Deep Dive

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Welcome back to FMTC’s Tech Corner, where we take a deep dive into our tools and technology. In this article, we are focusing on the getLogos API call.

If you subscribe to one of our Enterprise level accounts, you can access logos and screenshots of the homepages for merchants integrated with FMTC.

The output from the getLogos API call will be a zipped file containing the requested logos and screenshots. Logo files will be named with the FMTC Merchant ID. Please note: if a merchant changes networks, you will need to update your logos and screenshots to reflect the new FMTC Merchant ID once the merchant has been integrated on the new network.

In addition, you, the account holder, can add custom logos of any size. You can enable this feature by navigating to the Feed Settings and selecting the “Enable Custom Merchant Logo/Description” option (see image below).

FMTC Deals Feed Settings enabling custom merchant logos for the getLogos API call

Once you enable this feature, you can add a custom logo URL on the Manage Merchants page by clicking the customize icon next to the merchant’s name (see image below). When you click the icon, another menu will pop up, allowing you to add the customized logo URL.

Customize icon on the FMTC Manage Merchants page

A basic call to the getLogos endpoints looks like this:


You can find your API Feed Access Key in your FMTC dashboard under Feed Management > API Keys and Calls. The API key is required for this endpoint. Calls made without it will receive an error message stating that you have an “Invalid Key Value.”

The getLogos call also has a variety of parameters you can utilize. A list of all parameters can be found in our API documentation, but here are some important ones to note:

  • size – specify the size of the logos and screenshots you wish to receive. If you want all sizes, you don’t need to specify anything in this field. FMTC offers the following sizes:
    • 88×31 – Logo of the merchant
    • 120×60 – Logo of the merchant
    • 280×210 – Screenshot of the merchant’s homepage
    • 600×450 – Screenshot of the merchant’s homepage
  • merchantids – ask for only selected merchants by ID. This endpoint will provide only merchants you selected in your dashboard. This parameter accepts a comma-separated list. For example, https://services.fmtc.co/v2/getLogos?key=&merchantids=12345,67890 gives information about merchants #12345 and #67890.
  • sincedate – return only merchant logos that have been added or modified since this date. It is in a modified ISO 8601 format, omitting the time zone. For example: https://services.fmtc.co/v2/getLogos?key=&sincedate=2021-12-13T18:00:00 will return all deals modified or created after December 13, 2021 at 6:00 PM. Please note: all our timestamps are in Pacific time.
  • complete – defaulted to send back the only logos you have selected through your account. Set this value to 1 (true) if you wish to receive all logos for merchants integrated with FMTC.

As always, our team is ready to help you! If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to your account manager or send us an email at [email protected]. Curious about other FMTC API endpoints? Feel free to read the following:

Written by Josh Hutter

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