
FMTC Reveals New Core Values For 2019

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FMTC’s New Core Values


We recently made an exciting new update to our values at FMTC. These values are a core part of who we are, both as a company and as individual parts of the team. We’d like to put a spotlight on these values today so you can learn about the unique characteristics that make up our company.


What is the purpose of core values?


Core values are an essential part of any company’s culture. They allow a team of individuals with many different skill sets and talents to unite around a common theme. These values define who we are inwardly, as well as externally, and allow us to appreciate the unique mix of talents and abilities we have at FMTC.


What are FMTC’s new core values?


“We are a reliable and adaptive team. We solve problems in a hands-on manner. We have a positive attitude and are proud of our work.”


What do these values mean?




Let’s talk about the first one. Reliable. At first glance, this may seem generic or obvious. Who doesn’t want reliable employees? However, it’s also a promise we make to our clients. We are a reliable source of affiliate data, and we pride ourselves in quick and accessible customer service.


Here are a couple examples of the ways we exemplify reliability. Do you have a support ticket request, or want to ask a question in our live chat? A member of our data processing team will hasten to assist you in solving your question. Are you a client with a question or issue about our datafeeds or merchant services? We have team members ready to assist you and help you resolve your questions.


Not only do we strive to be a reliable asset to our clients, but we rely on each other to get these jobs done quickly as well. Our different departments depend on each other for success.




The affiliate industry is ever-evolving, and we must be flexible enough to roll with the changes. Whether it’s a network rebranding or changing their name, new guidelines from the FTC, or a new disruptive technology in the affiliate space, we must adapt. This flexibility allows us to remain a trusted source of data for our clients, despite new changes or best practices.


Hands-on problem solving


Why this phrase, specifically? As a remote team, it almost seems like a funny word to use. We chose this phrase because as a small team, there’s nobody who isn’t directly involved in our daily operations. From our CEO all the way to our newest data processors, we’re not afraid to get our hands dirty. We’re involved in cross-departmental tasks, we’re equipped to tackle all sorts of projects, and we do it together as a team — nobody watches from the bleachers!


Positive and Proud of Our Work


At FMTC, we don’t just do the work, but we’re proud of it — and are happy to do it! Not only do we have a positive attitude towards our work and our clients, we maintain that positivity toward each other as well. Along with our many business-related Slack channels, we have one dedicated to fun. We share family photos, Halloween costumes, and don’t even get me started on the adorable dog pictures.


Pride goes a long way in being positive about our work. We stand by our high-quality product and are willing to go the extra mile to ensure our clients get nothing but the best content.


How did we create these values?


We spent a lot of team time discussing these values. There were a lot of terms thrown around initially, such as hard-working, honest, or being a good leader.


We made a point to focus on what sets FMTC apart as a unique company. We asked ourselves what combination of values we have that makes us a strong team and enables us to help our clients in the best way possible.


Additionally, we took time to think about our teammates — old and new — and the values they brought to the team. What outstanding qualities did they have that caused them to be a good fit for the team? Could we use this as a rubric to narrow down potential hiring candidates? Each core value had to apply to every single person on the team, not just those in leadership roles.


Eventually we came up with these values by taking a hard look at what we actually do, and who our team is comprised of. These characteristics had to describe who our team is right now, not just what we aspire to be in the future.


Before we finalized this set of core values, we evaluated our team members and discussed whether they truly fit these core values. These weren’t always easy questions, but we eventually arrived at the perfect combination.


What was the result?


Accurately defining our core values resulted in a confirmation of our identity as a team. We know what makes us unique, and how these unique qualities put us in the best position to be an asset to our partners.


Not only that, but we actively seek these qualities in new hires joining our team.


If you are a positive and reliable problem-solver looking to bring your set of skills to FMTC, please check out our job postings here.