
Affiliate Roundup: Cookies, Cash Back and More

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Affiliate Marketing News Roundup

Cookies, Cash Back and More

In this week’s Affiliate Roundup: third-party cookies, cash back opportunities, activation campaign tips, and more. Find interesting news and helpful articles every week in FMTC’s Affiliate Roundup!


Best Practices, Explainers and Predictions

8 Things I Wish I’d Known Before Starting Affiliate Marketing

Broad but important lessons to learn before entering affiliate marketing.

Source: Entrepreneur


TikTok is awash with financial influencers, but is their advice sound?

Financial influencers on TikTok using affiliate links.

Source: The Feed


7 ways to pay influencers today and tomorrow

A look at how influencers were compensated in the past, and best practices for paying them now.



How to Run a Successful Activation Campaign

Six steps to activate publishers in your affiliate program.

Source: CJ


EDITORIAL On the brink of out Amazoning Amazon, if the marketing is in tune

Contemplations on the prospect of a future “super-app” and its impacts on e-commerce.

Source: Internet Retailing


How to Aim Your Affiliate Marketing Campaign at the Right Crowd

Foundations on affiliate marketing, touching on how to reach Millennial and Gen-Z audiences.

Source: Business 2 Community


Why eCommerce Businesses Need Affiliate Marketing

Reasons to start an affiliate program, and steps to set one up.

Source: Business 2 Community


M&A, New Entrants and Features

Industry Tracking Initiative Launched Showcasing Strength of Channel

Eight big names in the industry collaborate on “Tracking in a post third-party cookie world,” a guide on how to future-proof affiliate marketing.

Source: PerformanceIN


Instagram Opens the Door for Affiliate Marketing at Scale

CJ’s write up of Instagram’s notable change.

Source: CJ


Case Studies, Profiles and Awards

Publisher spotlight:

Taking a look at, an influencer marketing platform.

Source: ShareASale


Leveraging Dynamic Personalization In Cash Back To Deliver Lifelong Customer Loyalty

An interview with Kristen Gall, President of Rakuten Rewards, about the Cash Back space.

Source: Forbes


Events, Webinars and Podcasts

B2B affiliate marketing: has its time come?

Webinar on leveraging the B2B model in affiliate marketing, held November 18th at 3pm ET.

Source: Martech Record


Don’t Remove Dormant Affiliates From Your Program

Jamie Birch, CEO and Founder of JEBCommerce, discusses why removing dormant affiliates may hurt your program’s growth on the Profitable Performance Marketing podcast.

Source: RSS


What makes a partnership “strategic?” Business Development pros share insight.

Business development professionals discuss what “strategic partnerships” entail and what skills are needed to make them succeed.

Source: Martech Record


Affiliate Adjacent

Pinterest introduces shoppable TV feature

The platform’s latest e-commerce tool: Pinterest TV, with shoppable episodes featuring creators.

Source: CSA


Third-Party Cookie Deprecation Could Reduce Workforce

There’s a clear opportunity to make up this revenue with affiliate income.

Source: MediaPost


If you have an affiliate industry story to share, let us know!