
Affiliate Marketing Industry News Roundup 08-11-2020

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affiliate marketing industry news roundup

Affiliate Marketing News 8-11-20

The text that accompanies each article is a summary or a quote from the respective article. As always, if you have an affiliate marketing news story that you’d like us to share, there is a submission link at the bottom of this post. 

A New Tracking Platform Launches: trackhouse

“Our mission is to work closely with our customers to develop new features, however niche they may be.”

Source: PR Web

How Does Ad Blocking Impact Affiliate?

“Any domain being used to serve affiliate creative, click-throughs or tracking requests could be blacklisted by an ad-blocker solution if requested, meaning banners are not displayed, click-throughs fail and affiliate tracking may not load on the advertiser’s website.”

Source: ShareASale Blog

Impact’s Henry Prevette on the Partnered Podcast

Given the name, it’s a surprise this isn’t Impact’s own podcast.

Source: Impact

Upcoming Webinar: Pepperjam Hosts Ve Global

Wednesday, August 12th at 2 Eastern

Source: Pepperjam.com

Upcoming Webinar: TUNE Hosts Publisher Discovery

Thursday, August 13th at 9 Pacific

Source: TUNE

If you have an affiliate industry story to share, let us know!