
Welcome to the New Year!

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new year ahead

Happy New Year!

From the entire FMTC team, we’d like to wish you a very happy and prosperous new year! As we welcome in 2020, I’d like to let you know that we will be launching some exciting new tools and features very soon. So keep an eye out for future posts with more details.

New Year Suggestion – Set Goals

If you haven’t already, sit down with your team and go over goals that you’d like to achieve in the coming year. Here at FMTC, we have quarterly goals and projects called “rocks” that we are constantly adding to, monitoring, and checking off our list. It’s been great looking back at this last year and seeing what we’ve accomplished. Whatever it is your company is trying to achieve, take the time to write them down and make a game plan. Then you can begin 2020 with a productive strategy at hand!

Quick Reminder

I also wanted to remind you to take down expired deals and add any promotions at the network you’d like to start this year with. We do have New Year’s listed as a holiday category, so if you include that in your deal info, we’ll be happy to add it for you. Keep in mind that Gift cards will be burning a hole in people’s pockets, so keep those deals coming!

We look forward to continuing to partner with you this next year! Feel free to reach out anytime you have questions or would like assistance with anything.