
FMTC’s Network Directory is Now Available

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Continuing its legacy of delivering great resources to clients, FMTC this week released a new directory of all the major affiliate networks. 

The Network Director is available in your FMTC account at Simply navigate to Relationships > Network Directory to access the directory.

FMTC Network Directory

Each network directory page contains a variety of useful information about the network, including:

  • Logo
  • Number of FMTC merchants and deals available, with links to browse
  • About the company
  • Links/social
  • FMTC integration status (including Deal Parsers, Product Feed, FreshReach®, and MerchantSync)
  • Network link structure examples
  • Parameters for network links

Additional information and resources may be available on a per-network basis and more information may be available for certain networks.

FMTC will be continuously updating these pages and adding new networks, link structures, and examples in the future.

The FMTC Network Directory is the latest resource designed to help merchants, OPMs, and affiliates get the most out of their data feed and succeed in the affiliate space. Other FMTC resources include: