
FMTC Tech Corner: FreshReach® SubID and Other Parameters Explained

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FreshReach® SubID and Other Parameters 

As affiliates, we want to enrich the data we are using to track where clicks are coming from. This information helps us determine our strongest points of contact with our audience – and what needs to be bolstered.

SubIDs play an important role in this process. The way this value is passed around can change between networks, programs, and even different software. FMTC uses SubIDs in our sub-affiliate program FreshReach® to enable users to add tracking values.

Link parameters (the additional fields in the affiliate link) determine where the link lands and who is credited with the click. Without the required parameters for the link, the linking will fail.

We’ll dissect the following example to discuss what these parameters mean and how to edit the SubID parameter.


SubID and other parameters

Required Parameters

The main URL (https://freshreach.co/click.php?) and the “?c=”, “&m=”, “&cid=”, “&uid=” parameters should not be manually changed. These values are set by our system and are automatically populated into the links for you. Here is what each of these parameters mean:

Parameter: c

Required: Yes
Editable: No

The “c” parameter contains the FMTC Deal ID. This value is extremely important when the link is coming from the deal feed. This parameter will default to 0 when it is not associated with a specific deal. If the parameter is missing or the value is set to 0, the user is routed to the merchant’s default URL. The only exception is when a deep link is specified in the link URL; in that case, the user will be routed to the deep link URL.

Parameter: m

Required: Yes
Editable: No

The “m” parameter contains the FMTC Merchant ID. This value is very important and should never be modified.

Parameter: cid

Required: Yes
Editable: No

The “cid” parameter contains the FMTC company ID. Unless otherwise specified, this should always be set to FMTC.

Parameter: uid

Required: Yes
Editable: No

The “uid” parameter contains the FMTC User ID. This parameter is vital for link tracking.

The SubID Parameter

Parameter: sid

Required: No
Editable: Yes

The “sid” (subid) is a passthrough parameter. This allows you to add tracking values that you can later report on.

You can fully edit this parameter. If you want a subid to be automatically added to all of your FreshReach® links, follow these simple instructions:

  1. Log into your account at https://account.fmtc.com
  2. Navigate to Feed Management > Feed Settings
  3. Find “Deals Feed Settings” and check “Include SubID”
  4. Set your Default SubID and click Save

If you don’t have a default subid, you may see “&sid=0”. You can leave that as is, edit it, or remove it.

Optional Parameter: Deep Linking

Parameter: dl

Required: No
Editable: Yes

The “dl” parameter is for deep linking. This allows you to set a specific page for the user to land on. It is optional and should only be included if you want to utilize this feature.

For more details on SubIDs and the FreshReach® parameters, please contact your account manager at FMTC.