
FMTC Tech Corner: FreshReach®

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FMTC Tech Corner: FreshReach®

FreshReach® is a complementary monetization platform integrated within FMTC’s subscription-based API feeds. It is owned and managed by FMTC.

• Publishers and mobile platforms apply to partner with FreshReach®. Once approved, they can access monetized links from merchants with whom they do not yet have direct relationships.

• FreshReach® gives publishers a frictionless solution to work with FMTC while they are scaling their direct relationships with merchants through the networks.

• As a trusted and award-winning partner in the affiliate ecosystem, we hold our publisher partners to compliance policies commonly reflected in network and merchant terms.

• We offer end-to-end transparency to ensure our efforts align with those of our network and merchant partners.

For Publishers:

FreshReach® integrates easily into your deal feed. You can handpick the merchants you would like to partner with through FreshReach®.

Once you have access to FreshReach®, simply log into your FMTC Account and navigate to our Sub-Affiliate Links page (Home > Relationships > Sub-Affiliate Links).

Managing Merchants

The FMTC Manage Merchants tool allows you to filter your search to only include FreshReach® merchants. You can easily add merchants to your deal feed by clicking the “Include” checkbox.

Deal Feed

Some users choose to have direct relationships with merchant programs and leverage FreshReach® to enhance their feed with additional deals. Others use only FreshReach® for monetization. In your deal feed, you will find several URL options. Use this key information to help you to determine which one is best for you:

  • AffiliateURL: This field is for publishers that have a direct relationship with the merchant’s affiliate program. This link is monetized based on the affiliate IDs you have provided us.
  • FreshReachURL: This field is for publishers who do not have a direct relationship with the merchant’s affiliate program but still want to monetize the link.
  • FMTCurl: This field takes the guesswork out of this process. We determine the best link for your account based on several factors, including whether or not you have a direct relationship or if you are simply using FreshReach® for monetization. This option is usually best if you are leveraging both direct relationships and FreshReach® relationships in your deal feed.

For Merchants:

How can you get started with FreshReach®?

Step One: Approval of FreshReach® to your Affiliate Program
By approving FreshReach® to your affiliate program, you are giving us permission to share the revenue we earn from sales generated from the promotional efforts of FreshReach® publishers utilizing the FMTC feeds.

Step Two: Integration of FreshReach® Links in FMTC Feeds
FreshReach® links are made available through the FMTC feeds to publishers in our program who request and are approved to promote brands based on guidelines set by merchants.

Step Three: Tracking, Reporting, & Payment
As a merchant participating in FreshReach®, you pay the FreshReach® affiliate account the same way you would pay any other publisher — for the sales generated through your affiliate links.

What if a publisher using FreshReach® links for my brand decides they want to join my affiliate program instead?
We view the direct relationship between publishers and merchants through an affiliate network as critical for long-term, mutual success. FreshReach® was created to give publishers a scalable solution — but not the solution — to work with FMTC. FMTC was designed to prioritize the direct relationship between merchants and publishers. FMTC Merchant Sync allows for the dynamic link change from FreshReach® to the publisher’s network link once approval into your program is confirmed. It’s really that simple.

For Both Publishers & Merchants:

If you currently work with FMTC, you can speak directly with your account manager to get started with FreshReach®.

New to FMTC? Visit this page to request more information. A sales team member will follow up to answer all your questions and to get you started with FreshReach®.

– Josh Hutter