
FMTC Data Processed in May 2019

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We think it’s important to periodically share meaningful statistics about our data processing. Every improvement made to our data processing team directly benefits our clients. This week we’re sharing some of our top statistics from the data processed in May 2019.


Merchants Added & Daily Average Incoming Deals


Most notably, we’ve significantly increased our time spent adding merchants this month, with a total of 459 merchants added in May 2019. More merchants means a greater variety of deals, categories and other opportunities for you to optimize your site’s content for your audience.



Deals Processed


Our data team also processed a total of 63,917 deals for you from almost 12,000 merchants. On a daily basis, there are an average of over 170,000 deals available for you to choose from. Our deals are categorized in many different ways, making it easy for you to access exactly what you want in a quick and efficient manner.


Here’s a visual of our total deals processed and our daily average for May 2019:




Processing more data consistently on a regular basis greatly benefits our clients. We continually offer increased value with each new merchant added and by speedily processing every deal coming through our queues. We hope you’ve benefitted from our data in the past month and look forward to serving you in June and beyond.


If you have any questions about our data processing or datafeeds, please email [email protected] or reach out on at any time.