
FMTC Now Offers Consolidated Reporting with Trackonomics

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FMTC offers an exciting integration that you may not have heard about yet. Consolidated reporting through Trackonomics is now available through the FMTC account dashboard. This feature is an optional add-on, allowing subscribers to access reports from many networks with a single sign-on (SSO).

Benefits of Using Consolidated Reporting


Effortless Access

Login to Trackonomics in a flash through your FMTC account dashboard. This single sign-on (SSO) provides easy and effortless access – and you’ll only need to keep track of one password!

No More Wasted Time on Reporting

Create more time for other projects that need more of your attention. Now you can stop depleting your time gathering reports, or doing laborious manual reporting. This is one item on your to-do list that you can cross off much faster now.

Get Data at Your Fingertips

Advertisers can also get valuable insights into best-performing affiliates. Trackonomics supplies content analytics, helping publishes determine content value down to the page level. These tools provide even more insight into your ROI across the board.

And Much More!

Take full advantage of Trackonomics by exploring more features. Try using the link scanner to prevent lost sales from broken links, or the link generation tool to build your links all in one place. Visit Trackonomics for more information and details.


Who Can Use Trackonomics?


Trackonomics provides an excellent tool for anyone to save time and hassle with logging into networks to view reports. FMTC offers the integration to affiliate merchants and publishers.



Pricing Information & Getting Started


Ready for the next steps? Once you have opted-in, we will enable it through your account dashboard. Next, you’ll be able to sign in and access the data, and we’ll walk you through any more questions you have when the time comes. For more information, as well as pricing, please click here to contact us.