
Affiliate Marketing Industry News Roundup 01-12-2021

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Affiliate Marketing News Roundup

Affiliate Marketing News 01-12-21

The text that accompanies each article is a summary or a quote from the respective article. As always, if you have an affiliate marketing news story that you’d like us to share, there is a submission link at the bottom of this post. 


2021 Global Holiday and Retail Event Calendar: Must Know Dates

To focus on the year ahead and aid in your planning for a successful promotional strategy, here’s a list of key dates by month for 2021 including global holidays and retail events.

Source: CJ

Hopes and Fears for the Affiliate Industry in 2021

Key industry figures share their thoughts, fears, and hopes for what lies ahead for the affiliate channel in 2021.

Source: ShareASale

Resolve in 2021 to Drive More Conversions

Resolve in 2021 to capitalize on that momentum and convert more visitors. Here are three tips to help.

Source: Practical Ecommerce

Why Search Data is Your Biggest Business Asset in 2021

Search insights aren’t only for SEO. They’re also the biggest business asset for responding to market shifts quickly.

Source: Econsultancy

What Holiday 2020 Taught Us About Mobile Marketing Strategies in 2021

The first step towards demonstrating that personal touch to consumers comes from the creative process behind your product marketing.

Source: MarTech

How to Build a Content Marketing Funnel That Will Drive Sales

Every marketer should live by the funnel to generate leads, drive sales, and build authority.

Source: MarketingProfs

If you have an affiliate industry story to share, let us know!